The Religious Education ministry offers an opportunity for people, to guide and teach the children and teens of our parish about faith in God. Your faith story and experiences can help strengthen the faith of a child.
Many people think they are not qualified to teach because they have not had much formal religious education, or they have never taught children before. Actually, what is needed to teach is a love for children, a desire to share your faith, and a willingness to share your time and talents. We will supply the training, teaching materials and support that you will need to feel confident. Then when you do begin teaching, you will be amazed at how much you learn as you teach, and you will see yourself blossom in your own faith.
Recognizing that God is the giver of many different gifts, and because we care that you find a ministry which enriches your life, we invite you to prayerfully consider God's call to you.
top 10 reasons to become a catechist
Number 1: It’s what we are called to do. At the end of his earthly ministry, Jesus said, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age” (Mt 28:19-20). By teaching the next generation about the good News, you are fulfilling your part of the Great Commandment. It may be the most important thing you will ever do.
Number 2: It’s fun. Kids remind adults to live and laugh in the moment and get enthused about things like holy days and stories of saints. Not to mention there’s nothing like it when a kid “gets” one of the tenets of the faith, like the Real presence.
Number 3: You show your own family that you value religious education. Taking time out of your life to teach the faith shows your own children, grandchildren, siblings and family members that you put a high priority on religious education You may find you are teaching them as much by your example to your students as you are by your lesson plans.
Number 4: You will be practicing stewardship In these difficult economic times, families are struggling with rising prices and shrinking incomes. Being a catechist is a way of being a good steward by giving a bit of you r precious resource – your time. You might not be able to donate as much money as you would like, but we all have time and talent to share.
Number 5: A catechist is a role model. Ask young people who their role models or heroes are, and you’ll get a litany of movie and sports stars. While looking good and being athletic are fine qualities, young people also need examples of ordinary people who do the right thing just because it is the right thing. As a catechist, you get to model behaviors people might not learn anywhere else.
Number 6: You become an active part of the most active part of your parish When you join the catechists in your parish, you enter into a community that will support you on your faith journey, pray for and with you and encourage you in your Catholic way of life.
Number 7: Your own faith will come alive By acting on what you believe, you become a participant in building up God’s kingdom. After all, Jesus told us not to put our light under a bushel basket, and that means not hiding it behind a missalette either. As a catechist, you will discover that prayer, liturgy and your own relationship with God will become more vibrant and meaningful.
Number 8: Sharing the faith is an honor If you’ve been approached to be a catechist, or if you feel the call, you are being asked to do something special for God, for the Church and for your fellow Catholics.
Number 9: Catechists tell the truth In today’s chaotic world, people are searching for what is real and what isn’t. Catechists speak the truth about God, faith and morals. The worlds needs to the message of the Gospel and the way to true happiness; as a catechist, you offer a hungry world that sustenance.
Number 10: The best way to learn is to teach We all are called to continue to grow in our own faith and the best way to learn is to teach. When you instruct others, your own understanding increases. If your own faith education ended years ago, the resources and materials you are exposed to as a catechist will surely refresh and expand your own knowledge.