In all probability, each of us believes that we are ordinary people living our lives and thinking we do just ordinary things all day. We all struggle with the challenges that fall into our lives; we are all broken and not always as faithful as we should be. But by virtue of our baptism, we are set apart for a special purpose. You have been set apart as holy to the LORD your God, and He has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be His own special treasure. (Deuteronomy 14:2) This unique role enables us to project the showers of mercy we receive each day from God onto everyone with whom we interact, transforming ordinary encounters into extraordinary synergistic events. Do not underestimate this power within you. God never does. He knows what you are capable of if we work in union with Him.
Everett was a man of few words, but the gleam in his eyes told the story of his gratitude for Bridges to Home’s assistance on Saturday February 19th. He served in the Army and was grateful to secure a place of residence in a mobile home park in Victorville. Words fail to capture the emotions that were prevalent in Glenn and Melvyn’s move on Friday, February 25th. Glenn was in the Navy and served on shore patrol in Beirut, Gaza, and the Philippines during his military service. From the time we arrived there were tears of nonbelief and hugs of appreciation, and Glenn’s very heartfelt and tearful declaration of gratitude to God that his wife, whom doctors declared incurable of cancer, is now miraculously cancer free. It was a roller coaster of happy tears and stories of betrayal while they struggled to finally conquer homelessness. Then came Bridges to Home to finish the story triumphantly.
Please enjoy the pictures below to see for yourself the incredible mercy you provided to Everett and to Glenn and Melvyn in these two moves.
There are many different ways to spread the mercy of God to others. Without the teams that form each work to lift and carry and load and unload, none of these moves would be possible. Thank you to Ron, Richard, Dennis, Terrie, Ria, Viad, and Ben for your faithful devotion to making these 2 moves and many others a reality for our clients. Without Sharon and her trusty group of helpers who pull and shop for the moves each week, the clients served would still be waiting. Thank you to Sharon, Denise, Donna D., Ria, and Barbara M. for working so diligently behind the scenes to pull the moves together. And without the financial support of those who donate the funds needed to make the purchases, the needs lists could not be fulfilled. Thank you to the Filipino Ministry, Ben & Viad, Jenny, Bob M., Donna K., and the Upland-Foothill Kiwanas for your generosity and compassion toward Everett and Glenn. You can view the pictures to see what an impact you have made on the lives of these veterans.
Please see the email for the recent referrals we have received and how your continued help is necessary and appreciated. You are truly partners doing the work of God in His vineyard.
[email protected]