"Inside of every problem lies an opportunity." – Robert Kiposaki
Darryl, Andrew & his young daughter, Brian, Sean & his young son, Miguel & his 3 daughters, Felix, Earl & Molly, & John all reeled in the problems they were facing in experiencing homelessness, then accepting assistance from the Veterans’ Administration in location of housing. They were so deep in these problems that they did not see solutions to where the beds were going to come from for them to sleep on, or the kitchen items for them to prepare meals for themselves and their families, or the myriad other household goods one needs to have the very basic essentials for everyday life. These 14 people’s lives were focused on these very real problems, but St. Anthony Bridges to Home saw an opportunity-an opportunity to alleviate each of these problems while sharing of themselves and sharing the love of Christ with each of these individuals. Never underestimate the power of connectedness, for we are all connected in this life, in this world. The connections made on these moves have forever changed the journeys of these 14 people, and forever propelled these lives into occasions for them to view problems as their chance to change the world. They look at things with a different prospective because of a few hours on some Saturday morning in their lives.
You can enjoy the move experiences via the pictures in the gallery below. May these pictures touch your heart and evoke prayers of gratitude for the blessings you enjoy.
“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” Desmond Tutu
Without the faithful financial supporters of this organization, the moves you see would not be possible. Items have gotten much more costly and we are asked to assist many more veterans this past year. Grateful thanks and appreciation go to Mary O, John & Yolanda, Barbara S., Sharon C., Nancy B., Nea, Marge, Rob & Ange, Jim & Marse, Annie, Tricia & Frank, Max & Marilyn, Jenny, Bob M., Linda F., Pam, Christine, and Jerry. Your generous hearts have overwhelmed the worlds of those you have provided for. We pray that your reward be rich in Heaven.
More opportunites await you in the coming moves. Please read the email for the dates availble for you to volunteer and experience for yourself the opportunity to change lives forever.