Jesus, I can sense your special love of those who are so often invisible in this world. You came to give hope to the poor and marginalized. Fill my heart with compassion for those who are hungry and without dignity. Grant me the ability to see You in the faces of those around me. In the darkness of night let me be guided by the light of your Word. Give me the humility to be led by You, and the wisdom to learn from You. I am grateful for the Savior who awaits us, and eagerly await the time of rejoicing at His coming. Let me look forward in hope and turn to you with great trust, knowing you will guide my steps along the unknown path of each day.
May this Advent prayer find you at peace and filled with joy as we seek the Savior’s blessing in all we do. We are grateful for you and all you do for St. Anthony Bridges to Home and each and every referral we humbly serve. May we see the face of Christ in each one of them and may they see Christ in us as we carry out His work on this earth.
Please browse the gallery of pictures for the 13 moves we completed over the last 3 months. Turk, Larry, Norman, George, Erica, Enyonam, Eiryanna, Keenan, Kristina, Eunicel, Daniel, Kenyon, & Amy blessed our teams and were blessed by our teams. Their lives and ours will never be the same after this connection.
Gift giving is a traditional practice this time of year, but those who support Bridges to Home give all year long. Words cannot capture the emotions felt by our referrals when they receive the items your financial gifts fund. Thank you for constantly being willing to share the treasures God has given you with those most in need: Jenny, Viad & Ben, Carol & Bill, Barbara & Dan, Robin, Christine, Marilyn & Max, Mary D., Christine M., Frank & Patricia, Pat K., Barbara M., Mary O., Pam, Julia G., Pat F., Kathy & Bob, Marge W., and Olivia. May you feel the peace that this generous giving brings, knowing you have given peace and joy to vulnerable ones.
Sharon has notified me that we are completely out of clothes hangers. If you have any that you can donate, please let us know ASAP.
Merry Christmas to you all and hope for a New Year filled with abundant blessings.